Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Ladislaus Parish,

Our Savior, Jesus Christ, has conquered death and everything that diminishes the Divine life in us and among us.  His resurrection from the dead is not simply a fact of history to be retold at Easter.  It is a mystery to be lived every day.

Jesus is not found among the dead.  He lives among us in the community gathered to celebrate the Eucharist.  He lives in the Gospel proclaimed by word and deed.  Through the Sacraments of the Church, he gathers disciples, heals the sick, reconciles sinners and calls us to service.  In the Church’s outreach, it is the hand of Jesus that lifts up the poor, feeds the hungry, shelters the homeless and visits the confined.  In these ways, and many others, we give witness to the mystery of Jesus living among us.  Indeed, we become the Body of Christ for the world.

This great Easter mystery cannot be lived in isolation. Although we keep sanitary restrictions because of COVID-19 pandemic, we desire the bonds of community to support us.  Every Sunday the Church gathers as the Body of Christ at the table of God’s Word and celebration of the Eucharist, the source and summit of our life in Christ.  We gather every Sunday as active participants in the life of our Resurrected Lord.

Whoever you are, regardless of your life situation, we wish you blessings in this Easter season and every day.  We pray that our Risen Lord will be revealed to you in Word and Sacrament, in the love of family, friends and Church, in the witness of charity and holiness of life.

We sincerely wish you a blessed Easter celebration today and every day.

Fr. Tomasz Ludwicki SChr – pastor

Fr. Mateusz Szleger SChr – associate pastor