Dear Friends in Christ:

At the beginning of our 40 day Lenten journey, we were marked with ashes in the Sign of the Cross – a stark reminder that we are going to die, all of us, sooner or later. Now, at the Easter celebrations, those ashes are washed away. Life overcame death in Lord Jesus. Death no longer has a claim on us. We know that God has the last word. HE LIVES! And so we do; WE LIVE IN HIM! And that is what we celebrate this Easter!

So, how do we choose to live? Like Him, we choose to live for others; that is the ideal toward which we strive each day, every day, one day at a time! It is what our Lenten discipline has helped us practice. It is expressed in the many small sacrifices we accepted, culminating, perhaps, in our Share Lent offering.

Together now, united in Him, we set out on joyous Easter celebration – celebrating LIFE and self-giving LOVE. During these days, our FAITH in Jesus Christ may deepen, our HOPE in the fullness of life with Him may become ever more convinced, and our LOVE for one another, especially those in particular need, may increase! HAPPY EASTER!

Society of Christ Fathers