We are privileged to have a visit from the Thanking Cross, which will arrive to us on Sunday March 15. The inspiration of the mission was born in 2003 on the Resurrection Day of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ – on Easter morning, with the words „take my Cross and carry it to all capital cities of the world as the sign of thankfulness to Almighty God for the salvation we receive through Jesus Christ.” The mission of the Thanking Cross is dedicated to 2000th anniversary of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ (33 – 2033).

This cross has been blessed by Popes John Paul II & Benedict XVI and the present Pope Francis.
It started its journey in Lvov in the Ukraine in 2004 and has visited many cities including Kiev, Warsaw, Vilnius, Riga, Tallinn, Helsinki, Oslo, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Hanover, Berlin and it is intended that it will visit many more on its journey round the world.

Cross peregrination program:

Sunday, March 15

6:00 pm: Welcoming the Cross of Gratitude and Lamentations (“Gorzkie Żale”)

Monday, March 16

7:45 pm: Stations of the Cross (in Polish).

Tuesday, March 17

9.00am – 7.00pm – Adoration of the Cross.

Wednesday, March 18

8:00 pm – Farewell to the Cross of Gratitude.